Dentelle et de la lavande

“Lace and Lavender” the name of my favorite playlist on my ipod. I like to come up with interesting names for my playlists and this one is made to listen to on days like today.  There is a slight drizzling outside, the windows are open and I am sitting sipping tea and listening to the sounds of the rain falling off the house.  Breathing in the glorious smell of fresh flowers in the garden, made even stronger by the mist in the air.

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: Stokkseyri- Jonsi and Alex 

One of my favorite songs (of course on the playlist). I used to play this one in the dorm while I was working on homework.  One day my suite mate came in and told me she loved it whenever I played the song, that it sounded like rain. I couldn’t agree more.  I also was listening to this song on my ipod while walking at night through campus, I wasn’t in the best of moods and while I was walking it began to snow.  The combination of the magical weather and the song made one of those moments that you just never forget.  Every time I hear this song I think of that night and I feel at peace.

Movie of the day: Le Ballon Rouge

a very short film (only about 30 minutes) set in Montmarte, Paris in the 1950s the story follows a young boy who finds a red balloon (or maybe the ballon finds him…) and his adventures in Montmarte.  It’s a sweet story that reminds us of our childhood innocence and the simple joys of life. I think kids would really enjoy this movie, I’m 20-years-old and I loved it! It’s available on instant watch on netflix! 🙂

Recipe of the day: Frozen berries and white hot chocolate

I was watching my favorite cooking show, Barefoot Contessa, again today.  Ina made this fabulous and incredibly easy dessert for a dinner party with friends.  I couldn’t help but thinking how perfect this dish would be for a tea party with friends.  And since I happen to have a tea party coming up I might just make some myself along with a bag of my favorite tea for the hostess 🙂

It is seriously easy to make this and it looks so good! Our kitchen was just recently remodeled and the stove isnt working yet, otherwise I would be making this right now! It seriously took Ina about 2 minutes to make this.

here’s the recipe:

DIY of the day: Newsprint nails

As an aspiring journalist, this manicure DIY is perfect for me! Maybe a little cheesy, but I think it looks pretty good! (way better than leopard print nails) All you need is your regular nail supplies: base coat/top coat, pale colored nail polish; newspaper and some alcohol (vodka works the best, although seeing as how I don’t have nay vodka lying around and I can’t exactly buy some I might try rubbing alcohol… i’ll let you know how that works, Im hoping it wont ruin the polish.

here’s the tutorial:

Tea of the day: Breakfast rose

To my delight I have discovered a new tea shop just a few minutes away from my house called Discover Teas.  I’ve been there so many times now that I have become friends with the man who owns it! I was at the shop buying some tea for my mom for mother’s day when the owner let me take home a free sample of any tea I wanted.  I chose breakfast rose, which I had been dying to try.

I just made some today.  It is amazing! My absolute new favorite tea. It is essentially a mixture of a fine english breakfast tea and dried rose petals.

I love english and irish breakfast teas, but I usually take them with milk and quite a bit of sugar.  The roses in the breakfast rose tea give the tea a very light, fragrant almost sweet flavor that I only needed the tiniest bit of sugar.  I will definitely be back at Discover teas soon to purchase a larger supply of my new favorite. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who enjoys black teas.

C’est tout pour la moment!

à bientôt

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