

I’m Kellan. I’m a student at James Madison University studying international affairs and journalism and living life un jour a un moment (a day at a time.) I enjoy movies, photography, music, brownies, shopping, belly dancing, tea parties, and a multitude of other ridiculously random things.

Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in my daily routine and getting lost in my college bubble.  Fille du jour is my way of reaching out and exploring the beautiful world around me and unwinding at the end of the day.  I hope it can dust off some cobwebs and get the gears of the mind turning for others out there feeling stuck as well.

I love lists (for some strange reason) and I love food.  However, I hate the idea of using a blog as a virtual diary so rather than bore everyone with the intimate details of my less than fascinating life I’ve decided to create my own sort of daily special menu consisting whatever craziness comes into my mind.  A sort of plats du jour menu which I think is easier for the masses to digest (pun intended.)

Thus Fille du Jour (girl of the day) is born. The idea is to spark interest and inspire conversation so please leave comments! I love to hear other’s opinions.


à bientôt


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