La glace

The weekend has come early for me once again! I love it when my thursday classes get cancelled. As a treat to myself and in order to sooth my sore throat I’m headed to Kline’s tonight for some delicious ice cream! cant wait 🙂

Also my mani/pedi yesterday was AMAZING! it was also extremely amusing.  I couldn’t stop thinking of Anjela Johnson’s nail salon comedy skit and I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing when the woman doing my nails pointed to me and my boyfriend and said “ohhh!! boyfriend girlfriend??” In the oh so stereotypical asian manner. priceless. for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, watch the video and laugh.

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: \”New Soul\”-Yael Naim 

DIY of the day: 

an awesome way to carry your sweatshirt and your laptop!

Photos of the day:

These parents get creative with their daughter during nap time. These photos are too cute!

super funny and precious.

Time waster of the day: other than my favorite, stumbleupon, I have now stumbled upon the most addicting and time wasting website ever

It’s basically the virtual version of which would you rather?

That’s all for now!

à bientôt

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