
Just a quick post of caution.

So JMU dining services recently added new shade umbrellas for the outdoor tables.  Just now as I was sitting enjoying my lunch under one of these lovely umbrella’s hiding me from the hot sun a strong gust of wind came and picked the umbrella up out of the table and carried it 20 feet away.

Everyone looked, everyone gasped, I was embarrassed and laughing hysterically. No one else laughed. Where is everyone’s sense of humor? I guess the prospect of the umbrella almost hitting me in the head and killing me made the situation slightly less amusing to everyone else.

Thankfully a helpful girl gave me a hand in replacing the heavy and cumbersome umbrella and now I am back to where I was, under the umbrella. However, I’m tensing up with each new gust of wind.

In other new, I will be getting my first pedicure today which I am very excited about.  A little gift from my wonderful boyfriend who will no doubt be mistaken for a gay bff in the salon today. Hilarity will ensue 🙂

had to share this photo with you as well, I’ve been trying to get some shots of the beautiful pink budding trees all around campus, but from my camera battery needing to be charged, to a lack of sunshine due to the past couple of cloudy days, it hasn’t been a fruitful endeavor.  Hopefully I can get some of those shots up soon. This photo is sort of a whimsical view of the trees. It’s what I like to imagine when I see them.

I have also discovered the most amazing DIY blog on the planet.  I can’t wait try my hand at some of these projects. When I do I’ll be sure to share the experience with you 🙂


click on the tutorials link.

That’s all for now. Sorry there isn’t a Plats du Jour menu, I’m eating lunch between classes right now and I only had enough time to squeeze those few things in.  I’ll try to get another one up tonight.

à bientôt

p.s Literally RIGHT after I clicked publish on this post, the wind came and picked up my umbrella again, carrying it to a nearby tree where it got stuck in the branches.
This time someone laughed. 🙂


I just want to take a moment to thank all of my readers.  This little project has already become much more successful than I could have ever imagined. Honestly I thought I would have about 4 readers but I am hearing feedback from friends daily and I really appreciate your support 🙂

I have high hopes for fille du jour.  Perhaps one day I can count myself among some of the top blogs like Petite Anglaise and collegefashion.net (which I check daily-ladies they seriously have awesome advice on everything concerning college girls)

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the Day: Horse Feathers-Thistled Spring

Love this song so much! So beautiful, the orchestration is absolutely breathtaking. Kick back and relax with this tune.

Photos of the Day:

If you havn’t noticed I have quite a large soft spot for images of children, especially black and white ones. So timeless and innocent. It’s stunning

not sure if this is a real stained glass house or if it’s photo shopped. Either way, its a lovely photo.

DIY project of the day:

Here’s another one for the ladies, I guess the guys might like it too haha.  So I LOVE headbands, I’m slightly obsessed with them, and I’ve made a bracelet similar to this before so turning it into a headband is such a genius idea! Maybe I’ll make this over the summer after finals.

Here’s how:


If the guys want to know how to make the bracelet, just do the same thing with the fabric. Braid it and don’t add the elastic.  You can just tie a knot or make a slip knot tie if you know how.  (there are a lot of tutorials for different knots on the internet)

That’s all for now! sorry about the short post, busy day!

Thank you guys again! Also please give me any feedback you would like to.  I really love to hear from you all and you can leave comments on every post! Let me know if there is anything you would like to see posted on les plats du jour or if you have any suggestions.

à bientôt

La pluie

It’s another rainy day in the mountains but I’ve got a smile on my face because my wonderful aunt and uncle are coming to visit my cousin and I at school! They came to see us last year and we had so much fun showing them around our stomping grounds, I can’t wait to re-live the experience.  I have about an hour before they should be arriving so It’s the perfect time for me to get in some weekend blogging since I will probably be M.I.A. for the next couple of days. So without further ado…

Les Plats du Jour: 

Song of the day: Mountain Man-Loon Song  

The perfect song for a rainy day.  I first heard this group at the Jonsi concert at the 9:30 club in D.C. and I must say, they were spectacular!

Video of the day:

So I went with a few friends to Charlotesville last night to see our bellydance instructor perform in a Hafla (basically a bellydance party) and of course she was amazing! We even got to dance with her while live drummers performed for us.  Such an amazing experience. I LOVE bellydancing.  I wanted to share a video of my teacher performing with her dance troupe called Fire in the Belly

our teacher, Joy, is the dancer at the front of the line in the beginning, she is the shortest one of the bunch.

DIY craft of the day:

For those of you that loved the lace doily lamps, here is another similar project that you can do without the doilies. It’s pretty much the same process but I think that these lamps might even be a little cheaper, however they won’t create the same gorgeous shadow patterns that the doily lamps do. They still are really nice for decoration.

Here are the instructions


Photo of the day:

Recipie of the day: Lobster cobb salad roles

I’m a big fan of the cooking channel. Even though I live in a dorm and can’t really cook now I love to have cooking shows on tv even just for the background noise.

My absolute favorite cooking show of all time is Barefoot Contessa. Ina Garten is seriously a genius.  She takes these dishes that seem lavish and difficult to make, and she makes them so easy! I have one of her cookbooks and I can’t wait to have a kitchen next year so that I can use some of her recipes 🙂

I was watching the show yesterday and she made this lobster cobb salad which can be just eaten as a salad or put into a bun. I was literally drooling the whole time she was making it, which wasn’t very long because it doesn’t take any time at all to make!

Here’s the recipe for all the foodies out there 🙂


That’s all for now!

à bientôt

Un Grand Weekend

All of my studying and stressing for tests and assignments this week has finally paid off, because now I have a four day weekend! I spent a little time doing some productive things today, like declaring a french minor, and a european studies concentration for my international affairs major.  Also took a little trip to the mall. Well, actually it was a LONG trip to the mall because I ended up sitting on the bus for about an hour after realizing that the bus only went all the way to the mall every third trip. Good thing I didn’t have to be at class right? I’m glad I went though, shopping in the in-between seasons is always the best.  Every store was having an awesome sale! I got my boyfriend a birthday present and a few little things for myself as well 🙂

And of course I have had some time to do a little internet surfing as well.

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: Gotan Project – El Capitalismo Foraneo  


I absolutely LOVE Gotan project. My brother introduced me to this group several years ago.  They create a truly unique and modern sound by mixing old italian tango’s with today’s hip hop beats. I love walking around town while listening to this song, it makes me feel slightly more european.  Some of you may recognize this tune from Oceans 12.

Movie of the day?: 

ok so I haven’t actually seen it yet, but I’m going to tonight! I’ve been dying to see this movie since it first came out and my friend has invited me to watch it with him tonight. I’m super excited! I’ll be sure to fill you in on the details later.

Photos of the day:

love the lighting and the overall feminine sweetness in both of these photos. Very beautiful.

Useless information of the day:

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo” is a grammatically correct sentence. shocking, I know. Apparently there are multiple meanings for the word “buffalo”

still confused? read about it here


News of the day: Insane VA tech student stabs his hand to prove a religious point

read about it here:


Again a crazy person gives Christian’s a bad rep. I hate stories like these and I really hate poeple that generate them and behave this way. True christians are loving, warm, forgiving, gernerous, kind, and good people, who share a personal relationship with God and want nothing more but to open their arms and share their happiness with others around them.

I think this is best achieved in a non-invasive way.  We can’t attack people and expect them to cooperate and not become defensive.  It’s about love and openness, not prejudice, judgement, and hate. That is the true gospel of Christ.

For those of you who were wondering I did go through with it and participate in Beauty Peace Day.  I didn’t wear any makeup for a day (ok maybe a TINY bit of mascara, but only because I seriously look scary without it) and I have to say it was very refreshing.  I liked letting my true beauty shine through for a day and I felt fresh and natural.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on for-going makeup forever now, but occasionally I might skip it for a day or two. I encourage all the ladies to give it a try!

à bientôt


I know I just posted but I HAD to share these with you. I may have found a new favorite artist, Toulouse Lautrec has always been my favorite but these paintings are out of this world! I want to decorate my whole room with his prints.

Artist of the day: Leonid Afremov

à bientôt




It’s quite a gray dreary day outside, luckily the weather is finally warming up and summer is almost here 🙂 I even got a smidgen of sunburn yesterday! Don’t worry, I’m not looking to get melanoma, I was covered with sunscreen. I’m just so pale that even that won’t stop me from turning a little pink.

with each passing day I’m growing more and more anxious for summer to start.  It’s always a bitter-sweet affair.  The excitement of finishing another school year, exams are finally over, and I get to go home and relax and go back to my summer job (which I LOVE).  However it is also slightly melancholy, I find myself another year closer to being thrust out into that wide and weary real world and I have to leave my friends and a community which I have come to love and accept as my new home.

As the year winds down emotions are mixed and the tension is high as everyone holds their breath, waiting for that last exam to be over, the last box sealed, the door locked and the key returned. As we leave for another summer let’s reflect on the year we shared together and think about the good and the bad. what can we do to make next year even more amazing?

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: Dashboard Confessional – Stolen

I promise I’m usually much more indie than the past couple of day’s songs but I keep getting all of these blasts from the past.  My boyfriend played this song last night and I freaked out after remembering how much I used to love this song, begging him to turn it up and let the whole song play. Now I’ve taken a stroll down memory lane listening to it on full blast and repeat just like I used to in my early high school days.

Book of the day:


ok more like book of the year really.  While it is not my favorite book if all time it’s an amazing read.  A gal pal bought it for me as a birthday present.  she said it seemed like kind of a kitchy romance novel but that the main character was exactly how she pictured me in 10 years. I have to say she is right.

Petite Anglaise is a sort of autobiography about blogger Catherine Sanderson who moves to Paris, the city of her dreams, after completing school. There she enters into a long-term relationship and has a baby girl. However, after 8 years she finds the spark in her relationship has died and craves emotional release.  She begins her blog called Petite anglaise which instantly becomes a hit and now boasts over 10,000 visitors a month.  through her blog she begins to interact with dozens of readers including a handsome and recently divorced man.  And thus Catherine is faced with a difficult decision, remain miserable with her detached partner for the sake of her two-year-old daughter or shatter everything for a chance at real love and happiness.

I can only hope that my future doesn’t include the complicated love life, but I sure wouldn’t mind having that many readers and living in Paris! It’s a great beach read and I highly recommend it for the ladies 🙂

Project of the day: DIY doily lamp

I am SO making these for my apartment next year! So easy, cheap, and pretty! All you need are some doilies, balloons, and glue! I’m not sure about the light part, since I don’t think I’ll be able to hang multiple ceiling lights in my room, but even without the light they look just as good! Sort of like delicate lace lanterns.

Here’s how to make them


Challenge of the day: Beauty Peace Day

Seventeen magazine has proposed a new challenge for girls all over the world. Tomorrow April 13, show your true inner beauty by not wearing any makeup! They mean NOTHING, no mascara, no foundation, no cover up, NOTHING (maybe chapstick).

I think it’s a great idea! I’m an avid believe that beauty comes from the inside, and while I usually wear a tiny bit of make up on a day-to-day basis I will definitely participate for this cause.

Love yourself! read about the challenge here


Photo of the day:

There is a beautiful thunderstorm outside my window right now, and it inspired me to look up some rain photography.  Gorgeous images for all you photo nerds to check out 🙂 Maybe I’ll look at lightning next.

and speaking of lightning this storm is getting pretty bad actually so I’m gonna log off and shut down my computer to protect myself from a freak electrical accident!

à bientôt



Hey everyone. due to an increase in homework and stress this weekend, not to mention the increase in GORGEOUS weather outside making it impossible for me to stay indoors on the computer I  have been a little lazy with the plats du jour.  I appologize, I’ve got a few minutes now though so I’ll try to make up for it 🙂

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: Colbie Caillat-Fallin for You

Sorry guys, this is an incredibly girly song.  I have those days. This song makes me think of summer and beach days and summer love and after spending a few hours lying on the quad with my boyfriend it seemed appropriate.

Movie of the day:

Spent a night in last night watching scary movies with some friends last night. While I tend to be a baby when it comes to horror flicks (case in point my constant screaming during paranormal activit/paranormal activity both of which I was forced to watch against my will) I actually really like this one because It is based off of such an interesting premise.

For those of you who don’t know a stigmata are bodily marks and wounds corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of christ.  They are believed to be inflicted on the truly devout by supernatural forces or beings. There are five stigmata- wounds in the hands and feet (the nail wounds), head (crown of thorns), and side (the final spear wound to the side).  The most famous and the first stigmatic is Saint Francis of Assisi.

Are stigmata’s real? Do these people experience divine visitation with wounds as proof? Or is it merely a cry for attention, an act of hysteria.  I’m not sure myself, it could be possible but it is strange the statistically the majority of stigmatics are women. What do you think?

Photo of the day:

How cool is this?! you can watch fish swimming while you wash your hands!

Topic of the day: the budget

yup i’m being controversial here.  The fact that funding for planned parenthood has been stopped is absolutely insane. I’m curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on this issue and others concerning the budget. please leave comments.

Sorry this is a shorter post, but its dinner time and I’m freezing in this computer lab. Time to go back to the outside world 🙂

à bientôt



I had my weekly bellydance class tonight and I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from it.  I also had the pleasure of eating at Earth and Tea cafe with my dance instructor and a few girls from the club 🙂 wonderful conversation and fun memories.

Les Plats du Jour

Song of the day: Untitled-Amon Tobin

We just finished learning a beautiful dance choreographed to this amazing song! I am so excited to perform it soon. And unlike other songs that I have performed to I still never get tired of this song, it’s just so good!

Photo of the day:

nothing really to explain here. I just love henna.  I think if I ever got a real tattoo I would want it to look like henna. Plus I love a photograph with lots of texture like this one.

Recipe of the day: pb&j wraps (with rice krispies!!!!)

ok so this is a staple at dhall, and as simple as they are, pbj wraps are somehow the tastiest and cheapest food items on the planet. I do believe that dhall has found the ideal college food, better than ramen or easy mac.

step 1: take a tortilla wrap and lay it flat on a plate or something

step 2: spread peanut butter on the tortilla

step 3: spread jelly on the wrap

but we’re not done!

step 4: sprinkle some… wait for it…. rice krispie cereal on top of the peanut butter and jelly (just trust me)

step 5: wrap, cut, and enjoy

step 6: experience a foodgasm

Question of the day:

Story time: so yesterday as I was walking into the gym to meet up with my friend to do some rock climbing I passed a guy who was just leaving the gym.  As we crossed paths he very BLATANTLY gave me the elevator eyes (you know checking someone out from head to toe). I mean this guy was not subtle about it at all, didn’t even try to hide it. Some may find this creepy, I just decided to go with it, smile, and be flattered.

So this leads me to my question: ladies, do you think it’s better when a guy subtly hints at their interest? Do you like the mystery? Are you into the chase? Or do you prefer it when a guy is completely straightforward with his feelings and his intentions.

Guys, same question. Are you an old-fashioned kinda guy who makes the move first and puts himself on the line? Or do you think its cool or even kinda sexy when a lady calls the shots?

As for myself I used to be very old school and very shy when it came to approaching men (or boys at that time). college has given me a little more confidence to the point where I have no problem openly flirting or asking someone to dance, but I have to admit I’m still extremely hesitant to make the first REAL move, a.k.a set up a date, make the first phone call, that type of thing.  Thus I’m curious to hear what the gentlemen have to say about this.

Alas, I have to stop there since I have an econ quiz in the morning which I am absolutely not looking forward to.  The least I can do is be well rested for it right?

à bientôt


le passé, le présent et l’avenir

Another normal day in the life of fille du jour. I did make it to the climbing wall today and I had a lovely dinner conversation one of my best friends at http://blipofgreen.tumblr.com < amazing blog! 🙂 He gave me a lot of inspiration for todays menu, and so…

Les Plats du jour

Song/video of the day:

Although I tend to cringe at the sound of anything on the top 40 list I have to admit that I really do like Katy Perry.  I love her unique voice and her quirky songs. This video does a great job of beautifully portraying the unconventional love song for a generation obsessed with all things futuristic.

Photo of the day:

Although I am absolutely terrified of jellyfish (I had a bad rendez-vous with a portuguese man-of-war in Hawaii) I cannot deny their beauty.  This ties in nicely with the video of the day because my friend shared with me that Katy Perry was inspired by jellyfish movements and colors in her videos. Do you see it?

News of the day:

Apparently lady Gaga is going to be a fashion columnist for V magazine. Surprised? She is slowly taking over the world… read about it here


Movie/Memory of the day:

As you can see, I really love to kill two birds with one stone. A fantastic movie that really doesn’t need an explanation.  I actually lived in Hawaii on Hickam AFB while this movie was being filmed.  I remember playing outside as a child with smoke stacks billowing over the harbor in my backyard and antique fighter planes zooming over my house.  It would have been terrifying for anyone who didn’t know about the movie.

I still like to re-watch this film and point out specific places in scenes where I spent a lot of my childhood days.

That’s all for now! stay tuned for the next menu

à bientôt


Learn something new about yourself

I had to share this, it’s the best personality test I’ve ever taken and it’s really easy and fun to complete


à bientôt